March 8, 2022 – March 10, 2022
EE|Times – Advanced Automotive Tech Forum
Location: Virtual Conference
GaN Transistors and ICs for 48 – 12 V Bi-Directional Converters for Mild Hybrid Vehicles
Speaker: Alex Lidow, Ph.D., CEO and Co-Founder of Efficient Power Conversion
Recent advances in automotive powertrain technology have accelerated the use of a dual 48 V/12 V bus architecture in mild hybrid vehicles, which can provide an 8-15% fuel consumption reduction. The availability of a 48 V bus also enables support of heavier loads like air-conditioning, faster heating of cabin, and faster, smoother starting with the use of 48 V Li-ion batteries. GaN-on-Si power devices are the best-suited semiconductors for this application as will be shown in this talk.
Last modified: April 5, 2022